Thursday, September 6, 2012

French judges to visit Ramallah in Arafat probe

(AP) ? Yasser Arafat's widow says French judges will visit the West Bank town of Ramallah as part of a probe into his death.

The circumstances of the Palestinian leader's death eight years ago in a French military hospital have long aroused suspicion, with a Swiss laboratory recently claiming it had detected radioactive polonium-210 on his clothing.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas reluctantly agreed this summer to allow Arafat's remains to be exhumed after the new evidence prompted his widow, Suha Arafat, to seek a criminal investigation in France.

In a statement issued through her French and British lawyers Wednesday, she said three investigating judges in charge of the case from a western Paris suburb say they are arranging a visit to Ramallah.

The statement said French scientific experts will "soon" be able to take samples from Arafat's body, without elaborating.

Associated Press


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Digital Photography And Its Revolutionary Features

Photography is the science of light. It is an art form which applies the knowledge of science in capturing a moment. Till the last decade photography was considered to be a medium of recreation. Apart from its use in journalism, it was only seen as a form of art. What is that has changed in this field in the past decade?

Technology played a major role in bringing about a change in the attitude towards photography. Today all the mobile phones are equipped with cameras, this made clicking very easy. Digital photography was one of the major breakthroughs from the film photography. It drastically reduced the cost of clicking photographs. Earlier clicking a picture was followed by washing the film which in itself was a costly affair. There was no other way apart from getting a printed copy in order to see the pictures clicked. Today you click as many pictures you want and store them on your computer or an external hard drive; even the mobile memory card can store thousands of pictures at a time.

Sharing photographs earlier meant making an album of hard copies, but today through internet and several social sites you can upload and shares images within seconds. It has not only made things convenient but also entertaining and interactive. Companies like Nikon and Canon which earlier used to manufacture SLR and high end cameras for only professionals, today cater to the amateurs by designing user friendly cameras. You can buy images of the cameras and lens designed by these companies over a period of time. The major difference between digital photography and chemical photography is in processing. A digital picture can be manipulated and edited through various computer based software, whereas chemical photography being done on the film first and later printed on the paper cannot be edited and manipulated if needed.

The increasing use of photography in various fields like journalism, tourism, military surveillance, film making, fashion, wildlife and recreation resulted in the mushrooming of institutions that provide professional guidance. These institutions not only teach the different aspects of photography but also the technicalities involved in the use of camera. The camera consists of various elements like that of lens, aperture, shutter speed, white balance, focal length, light sensitivity, ISO, etc. It is the combination of art and science to use the right settings at an appropriate place in order to seize the moment. There are various books and courses available online from where you can learn the art of photography. You can buy content explaining you the various aspects of camera and its use in order to click a picture of your style.

Every photographer tends to have his own take on reality. What matters in photography is the perspective an individual holds. An original and fresh perspective together with sound knowledge of camera and light can lead to clicking a perfect moment. You can buy news articles and keep updating yourself with the latest technology in lens use and fresh perspectives in order to become a professional photographer. Photography being a form of art has no limitation to what can be captured. From human emotions to natural elements, anything and everything under the sky, and if you have the right gear also, above the sky can be clicked. It is not what you click that matters; it is how you click that makes an ideal photograph.


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