Monday, February 18, 2013

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US / 5 myths about manufacturing jobs

In his State of the Union address Tuesday, President Obama said that creating manufacturing jobs is the nation?s ?first priority.? To some, this may sound like a throwback to a long-lost era; after all, such jobs are being eliminated, outsourced or automated, right? Not really.

The United States remains a world leader in manufacturing, and that sector remains essential to our economic and technological future. Here are the five biggest misconceptions about U.S. manufacturing ? and why the sector still matters.

1. A manufacturing job is no longer a ticket to the middle class.

2. We can outsource manufacturing as long as product design stays here.

3. U.S. manufacturing can?t compete with China.

4. Manufacturing jobs are repetitive and low-skilled.

5. Government is terrible at supporting manufacturing.

Are those myths true ??Why you should care: Manufacturing is essential to our economic and technological future.

Chosen excerpts by Job Market Monitor from


?via Five myths about manufacturing jobs |

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Round-the-world UK cyclists killed in Thailand

LONDON (AP) ? A British couple's round-the-world cycling odyssey ended in tragedy when both of them were killed in a road accident in Thailand.

Peter Root and Mary Thompson, who had been chronicling their journey in a blog, died Wednesday when they were hit by a pickup truck in a province east of Bangkok, Thai police said Monday.

The couple, both 34 and from Guernsey in the Channel Islands, left Britain in July 2011 and had cycled through Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and China.

The trip was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the couple, who met in art school and spent six years saving money and planning their journey, Peter's father Jerry Root told the Associated Press in an interview.

"They were both inspirational," Jerry Root said. "They didn't just talk about it, they did it. I couldn't be prouder of them."

He said they were both experienced cyclists who knew the rigors and risks of extended bicycle travel.

"They were camping wild, as they called it," he said. "What helps me is to think of how happy they were with each other. They were leading the life they wanted to. It was the happiest, the most fruitful of lives."

The couple had been posting photos and details of their trip on the website Two on Four Wheels. They also had many followers on Twitter and Facebook who were tracing their journey and vicariously enjoying their adventure, which included a trip through remote parts of Central Asia.

A video they posted from that part of the journey shows them camping in the desert, riding through hills, stopping to swim in rivers and lakes, and braving heavy snowstorms. They also cycle through tense situations as armed conflict breaks out during their journey through Tajikistan.

There is also footage showing Thompson suffering a gash to her knee after an apparent collision with a truck.

The couple look tanned, joyous and relaxed ? if a bit windblown ? in the footage. It is apparent life on the road agreed with them.

"They never talked about the trip as having a destination or a deadline or a time scale," said Ben Thompson, Mary's brother. "They didn't have firm plans, they had rough ideas. They just loved people. They were always dragging people to the campfire to share a story and a beer and some food."

After Southeast Asia, the couple were planning to make their way to New Zealand for a brief respite, he said.

Thai Police Lt. Col. Supachai Luangsukcharoen said Monday that investigators found their bodies, their bicycles and their belongings scattered along a roadside, along with a pickup truck that crashed between some trees.

Supachai said the truck driver, 25-year-old Worapong Sangkhawat, was seriously injured in the crash. He told police his truck hit the cyclists as he was reaching down to pick up a cap from the vehicle's floor, Supachai said.

The driver has been released on bail and faces charges of causing death by dangerous driving, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in jail.

Police said the couple's bodies were being kept at a rescue unit in Chachoengsao, 20 miles (30 kilometers) east of Bangkok, until they could be repatriated.


Writers Jill Lawless in London and Thanyarat Doksone in Thailand contributed to this report.


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Focus on fielding drills on Day 2 of Team India training

As soon as the players arrived at the ground, they went through the customary loosening exercises which set the stage for an arduous fielding session for the next three hours.

?|? Last updated on Sunday, 17 February 2013 16:12 Print font size - + ').appendTo($jq('#gta')); $jq('').appendTo($jq('#gta')); },3000); } else if (google_ads.length > 1) { s += ''; } s += '' } } return; } // --> google_ad_client = "pub-7641565019577886"; /* Sports JS */ google_ad_slot = "8515735957"; google_ad_width = 640; google_ad_height = 70; google_max_num_ads = 1; google_ad_type = 'text'; google_ad_output = 'js'; //-->

The Indian cricket team Sunday had a three-hour long high-intensity training session in the morning with main focus on fielding drills on the second day of the three-day training camp ahead of their Test series against Australia starting next week.

With a pleasant weather prevailing in the city, the Indian players came out at the Chinnaswamy Stadium ground around 9.40 am and went through the rigours of fielding practice before the support staff asked them to break for lunch around 12.40 pm.

As soon as the players arrived at the ground, they went through the customary loosening exercises which set the stage for an arduous fielding session for the next three hours.

The players, young and experienced, showed zeal and energy during the fielding session. They had close-in and boundary catching practice in three separate batches under the charges of coach Duncan Fletcher, India's fielding coach Trevor Penny and bowling coach Joe Dawes.

The players also had run-out drills.

They are expected to undergo another training session later in the day.

on Saturday, they had two separate practice sessions which lasted five-and-a-half hours in total.

Story first published on: Sunday, 17 February 2013 15:53


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Monday, February 11, 2013

Islamists attack Malian troops in Gao

A Malian soldier takes cover behind a truck during exchanges of fire with jihadists in Gao, northern Mali, Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

A Malian soldier takes cover behind a truck during exchanges of fire with jihadists in Gao, northern Mali, Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

French soldiers secure the evacuation of foreigners during exchanges of fire with jihadists in Gao, northern Mali, Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013. Black-robed Islamic extremists, armed with AK-47 automatic rifles and rocket-propelled grenades, invaded the northern Mali city of Gao and fought Malian army forces Sunday. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

A Malian soldier takes cover behind a wall during exchanges of fire with jihadists in Gao, northern Mali, Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

French and Malian soldiers check for snipers during exchanges of fire with jihadists in Gao, northern Mali, Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Malian residents watch a French combat helicopter fly over the city during exchanges of fire with jihadists in Gao, northern Mali, Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

GAO, Mali (AP) ? Black-robed Islamic extremists armed with AK-47 automatic rifles invaded Gao in wooden boats Sunday to launch a surprise attack on the most populous city in northern Mali, two weeks after French and Malian troops ousted the jihadists.

Gunfire echoed for hours across the city of mud-walled buildings. The combat started at about 2 p.m. in downtown Gao and the fighting was continuing as night fell. Later the sound of gunfire was replaced by the clattering of French military helicopters overhead.

The attack in Gao shows the Islamic fighters, many of them well-armed and with combat experience, are determined and daring and it foreshadows a protracted campaign by France and other nations to restore government control in this vast Saharan nation in northwest Africa.

The Islamic radicals fought against the Malian army throughout the afternoon and were seen roaming the narrow streets blanketed in sand and on rooftops in the center of Gao, which had a population of 90,000 before the conflict caused thousands to flee.

Families hid in their homes. One family handed plastic cups of water through the locked iron gate to others hiding on their patio. Piles of onions lay unattended where market women fled when the Islamists arrived. There were no signs of civilian casualties.

The fighting appeared to center near the police headquarters, where Malian soldiers with rocket propelled grenades traded fire with the combatants believed to be from the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, or MUJAO. The only sound in the city was gunfire and the bleating of goats. Soldiers were positioned at every corner in the neighborhood.

Ever since French forces took Gao on Jan. 26, the Islamic rebels had clashed with security forces on the city's outskirts. This was the first time they succeeded in entering the strategic city.

The Islamic fighters used pirogues, large wooden dugouts with motors, and other boats to cross the Niger River and penetrate Gao, according to French Gen. Bernard Barrera, who cited Malian officials.

The Islamic radicals had already tried to spread violence into Gao. On Saturday night, a suicide bomber detonated himself at a checkpoint at the entrance to the city, killing himself and wounded one Malian soldier. An earlier suicide bomber on a motorcycle also blew himself up at the same security spot on Friday, killing only himself.

Besides Gao, French and Malian forces have also retaken the fabled city of Timbuktu and other northern towns, pushing the Islamic extremists back into the desert, where they pose a constant threat to Malian and allied forces. But the Islamic fighters made strategic retreats and are dug into desert hideouts, from where they are expected to continue challenging the control of the cities by French, Malian and allied forces. Several African nations have contributed troops to battle the extremists, who imposed their harsh version of Islamic Shariah law when they controlled the northern cities.

The armed Islamic fighters seized the northern half of Mali in April 2012, sending poorly disciplined and equipped Malian forces retreating in disarray. France launched its military intervention in its former colony on Jan. 11 when the Islamic radicals, many of whom had fought for ex-Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, began encroaching on the south, threatening the capital Bamako which lies deep in southern Mali, 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) from Gao.

France has said that it wants to hand over responsibility to the Malian military and other African nations who have contributed troops and has raised with the United Nations Security Council the possibility of establishing a U.N. peacekeeping operation in Mali.

Sunday's open combat and the two suicide bomb explosions have frightened many Gao residents.

Fears of suicide bombing attacks in Gao have been high since the discovery of industrial-strength explosives in the city last week. Four Malian soldiers also were killed by a land mine in the town of Gossi, raising fears the militants were planting explosives in the road.

Friday's suicide bomber had been living at a known jihadist hideout in Gao, according to local residents. A guard at the home said that it had been visited three months ago by the one-eyed terror leader Moktar Belmoktar, who claimed responsibility for the attack on the BP-operated natural gas plant in Algeria last month.

Other jihadist leaders from MUJAO also had stayed in the luxurious two-story home with a verdant courtyard, which the militants took over when they captured Gao last year, the guard said.

On Sunday, crowds of nearby residents gathered under the shade of a few trees by the site of the suicide bombing attack. It was the second time in as many days that their homes had been shaken by blasts from suicide bombers.

"I am really afraid. You hear about these kinds of things in Pakistan or Afghanistan," said Maouloud Dicko, 30, as he sat on his motorcycle. "Gao is becoming like Pakistan."

Associated Press


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Sunday, February 10, 2013

GOP hopes for better ties with Hispanics, blacks (The Arizona Republic)

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Uggs? Ugh. NY Fashion Week battles the elements

NEW YORK (AP) ? Mother Nature is clearly not a fashionista.

A blizzard forced Michael Kors to arrive at New York Fashion Week's "Project Runway" show on Friday in ? gasp ? Uggs.

"I came in looking like Pam Anderson," he joked backstage, where the offending boots had been traded for tasteful black leather.

Marc Jacobs postponed his Monday night show until Thursday, citing delivery problems, but for the most part Fashion Week went on with the show. IMG Fashion said organizers remained in contact with city officials, including the mayor's office, about potential weather problems but had planned for an extra layer of tenting for the venue and more heat at Lincoln Center, along with crews to help with snow and ice.

Zac Posen said he would present his collection as usual on Sunday but he worried that out-of-town editors and retailers might not be able to make it. Other designers were considering Plan B ? adding an Internet stream ? to accommodate guests who couldn't make it to their shows.

Still, plenty of fashion fans wouldn't let a little snow get in the way. Baltimore college student Carmen Green arrived in a red cocktail dress and black high-heel booties.

"In this outfit, the blizzard did not deter me," she said. She did allow that she only had to cross the street from her hotel and would change into combat boots for the train ride home.

Alyssa Montemurro, 22, works for a website that covers models. She was wearing four-inch heels and left the boots at home. Why?

"I am 5-foot-3 on a good day," she said, "and when you're interviewing models backstage it's best to be somewhere near their face level."

The celebrity stylist Phillip Bloch offered a blizzard pro tip.

"You either come in warm and comfortable clothes and boots or you come in neon ? or sequins would be a good one ? so they see you in the drift," he said.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week wraps up Feb. 14, when the industry moves on to London, Milan and Paris.


Wu's collection was all woman. Not girlie. Not mannish. That was by design.

"I wanted to bring back the woman to the runway," he said backstage before his show at a former Park Avenue church.

The clothes were full of strength, with exaggerated shoulders and some military touches, but chiffon pleats floated down the runway. Two outfits were long ? as in floor-length ? pleated, peplum tops over tuxedo pants, the perfect yin and yang.

Red that offset the mostly black-and-white combinations was the va-va-voom. Use of the color both here and on Michelle Obama's inaugural gown last month was not a coincidence. Wu started on the collection in October and the gown ? for which he received plenty of congratulations and accolades ? was designed in November.

"Certainly red was on my mind. ... I felt it was right for right now," he said.

Wu moved his show from a raw downtown space last season to the very uptown and polished venue where Oscar de la Renta used to stage his shows. It seemed to better suit his look.


Outside, there was sleet, snow and slush. But inside at the Rag & Bone show, one could find at least a temporary solution to the winter storm: Hot mulled wine to ease the chill, and some fun, colorful clothes.

Designers Marcus Wainwright and David Neville were interested in pops of bright color ? like mineral green and grape ? and in a more overtly masculine style. "We referenced men's silhouettes a lot more than usual this time," Wainwright said.

On the other hand, the collection was full of flirty quilted miniskirts, too, giving it a feminine accent along with the structured jackets and coats. A grape-colored crochet mini was a typically fun look, as was an orange bomber skirt paired with a long coat, also in grape. A mohair coat ? in grape again ? was paired with a jodhpur pant in black wool and looked just yummy enough for a walk in the cold.

There were lots of soft sweaters, too, like a charcoal "funnel sweater" paired with a crochet skirt of the same color. A charcoal sweater-coat looked deliciously big and warm ? one envied the model who got to wear it on such a cold evening. And one of the most appealing looks was an oversized peacoat in a lovely chartreuse, paired with a wrap skirt in royal blue.

Overall the looks felt wearable, while not ordinary.


The rivalry stayed on the catwalk when new judge, Zac Posen, met previous judge, Michael Kors.

Kors, acting as a guest panelist, Posen, Heidi Klum and Nina Garcia were one big happy family when they took their seats to watch the collections of this season's contestants. (Kors and Klum joked they've spent so much time together over the years that they now look like brother and sister.)

"I didn't call Zac with any tips before he started. He knows what he's doing," Kors said in a preshow interview. "I knew I was leaving it in very capable hands."

Chiming in, Posen added: "I had 10 seasons to watch Michael, and I had been a guest judge with him. I'm sure I learned a few things."

The show is the godmother of fashion reality TV, now in its 11th season. It was time for a change, said Klum, who is an executive producer.

The other new wrinkle this go-around is that the contestants have been working in teams ? and they are not necessarily happy about it, Klum said.

"Project Runway" has outlasted some other competition shows because it opens a window on something people are always curious about," she said. "I never saw this as only a reality show. I see it more as a documentary that shows you how clothes are made, how designers get them to fit, how they find the fabrics."


Valvo's tell-tale heart drew him to Edgar Allan Poe for inspiration.

"I was thinking long, lean, moody and dark," the designer said backstage. "Edgar Allan Poe. Creatures of the night. With a little rock 'n' roll, too."

The show featured some stunning gowns in ivory, grape and merlot, but most creations were in black. Valvo said he was so taken with black this season that he almost did the entire collection in it. "It really makes you focus on the structure and the detailing, to make sure each dress is different," he explained.

The show opened with what seemed a perfect nod to the stormy weather: An embroidered trench with patent leather squares, all in black.

Actress Nichole Galicia, who appears in "Django Unchained," especially loved a couple of gowns in flowing ivory ? but was partial to the black lacy gowns, too. "I'm doing some mental shopping here," quipped the actress, who wore Valvo to a recent event honoring "Django" director Quentin Tarantino. "I'm still looking for an Oscar dress."

Galicia was wearing a sleek-fitting Valvo dress and black heels, and looked positively summery considering the blustery climes. "I'm suffering for my art today ? or actually for my fashion," she said.


Jocelyn Noveck in New York contributed to this report.


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Saturday, February 9, 2013

6 dead in rocket attack on Iraqi refugee camp

FILE - In this Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 file photo, Members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq organization chant slogans and hold banners during a tour organized by the Iraqi government for foreign diplomats in Baghdad, Iraq. Iraqi police on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013 say assailants have fired rockets at a refugee camp for an Iranian exile group outside Baghdad, killing at least six people and wounding more than 40. The camp houses members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, the militant wing of the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran. (AP Photo/ Hadi Mizban, File)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 file photo, Members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq organization chant slogans and hold banners during a tour organized by the Iraqi government for foreign diplomats in Baghdad, Iraq. Iraqi police on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013 say assailants have fired rockets at a refugee camp for an Iranian exile group outside Baghdad, killing at least six people and wounding more than 40. The camp houses members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, the militant wing of the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran. (AP Photo/ Hadi Mizban, File)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 file photo, members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq organization are seen inside the Liberty refugee camp in Baghdad, Iraq. Iraqi police say assailants have fired rockets at a refugee camp for an Iranian exile group outside Baghdad, killing at least six people and wounding more than 40. The camp houses members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, the militant wing of the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran. (AP Photo/ Hadi Mizban, File)

(AP) ? Assailants fired rockets and mortar rounds at a refugee camp for Iranian exiles outside Baghdad on Saturday, killing six people and wounding dozens, police and a camp spokesman said.

Nearly three dozen rockets and mortar shells struck the camp, home to some 3,100 people, before daybreak, said camp spokesman Shahriar Kia. He said more than 100 were wounded, several in serious condition. There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

It was the first reported deadly attack against the camp. The facility houses members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq or MEK, the militant wing of the Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran. Iraq's Shiite-led pro-Iranian government considers the MEK a terrorist group and is eager to have it out of the country.

The refugee camp is located in a former American military base known as Camp Liberty, adjacent to Baghdad's international airport. It is meant to be a temporary way station while the United Nations works to resettle the residents abroad. They are unlikely to return to Iran because of their opposition to the regime.

Two police officials confirmed that six people were killed in Saturday's attack and said more than 40 were hurt, including three Iraqi policemen. They spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to share information with the media.

The Iranian opposition group provided amateur video and photos it said showed the aftermath of the attack. One photo showed six bodies swaddled in blankets lying on the ground in a hallway. Amateur video showed wounded, some with blood-covered faces, being treated at a small clinic.

Kia, the camp spokesman, said Iraqi authorities refused to let the wounded be taken to area hospitals for treatment. Iraqi government officials were not immediately available for comment.

The U.N. envoy in Iraq, Martin Kobler, said he asked the Iraqi authorities to ensure medical care for the wounded. Kobler's office said in a statement that Iraqi officials assured him the wounded were hospitalized.

Kobler also called for a speedy investigation of the attack.

The camp was set up in 2012. Before being moved by the government to the Baghdad area, members of the MEK had lived in northeastern Iraq, near the Iranian border. Iraq's government says its members are living in Iraq illegally.

The group, which is also called the People's Mujahedeen of Iran, opposes Iran's clerical regime and has carried out assassinations and bombings in Iran. It fought in the 1980s alongside Saddam Hussein's forces in the Iran-Iraq war, and several thousand of its members were given sanctuary in Iraq by Saddam.

The group renounced violence in 2001 and the Obama administration took the MEK off the U.S. terrorism list in late September.


Associated Press writer Karin Laub in Baghdad contributed reporting.

Associated Press


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Pakistani military wipes out 15 Islamic extremists in Tribal Area ...

The extremists were members of the Tehrik-i-Taliban movement.

The military also shelled and bombed out several bunkers and arms depots, as well as several cars.

The military reported no losses. The Tribal Area has turned into a shelter for the groups of Islamist militants opposing the governments of Pakistan and the neighbouring Afghanistan. Civilians often fall victim to terrorist attacks.

Voice of Russia, TASS




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Video: Driving the Nor'easter in New Hampshire

Yahoo! News is gathering brief first-person accounts, photos and video from the severe winter weather in the northeastern United States. Here's one resident's story.

FIRST PERSON | Weather conditions are worsening rapidly in central New Hampshire, with highway visibility and road navigation a major problem even in the early a.m. commute. Thick cloud cover at this time just added to the low visibility.

The right lane on RT 93 in New Hampshire is relatively clear, as you can see in the video, but passing cars in the left lane make visibility close to zero. I commuted from Tilton to Plymouth, N.H., at 8 a.m., about 30 miles and although the RT 93 was not slick or slippery, drivers who chose to drive below 50 MPH seemed to compound the problem as other vehicles stacked up behind them, and ultimately passed them, creating a potential sliding and collision hazard.

The snow spray from the passing vehicles produced complete white-out conditions for the remaining vehicles when cars and trucks passed us.

Franconia Notch is a total white-out driving situation, as one Thornton driver reported after he turned back from his commute and returned home.

Expect back roads to be even worse than RT 93. Though the plows are out in full force, they cannot keep up with the high rate of snow falling at this time. State troopers can be seen parked along RT 93 and are closely monitoring the situation.

Main streets are already sloppy, and I was sliding down hilly side roads, or unable to drive up steep roads. I saw no accidents during this early morning commute, but I am sure that has changed by the time this is published. It was a very tense drive.

Staying at home is strongly suggested if at all possible.


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Friday, February 8, 2013

Blizzard Nemo update: 2 feet of snow possible

Blizzard Nemo will hit New England tomorrow, dropping between 6 inches and 2 feet along the 95 corridor and blanketing a swath of the country from Pennsylvania to Maine.

By Bridget Murphy,?Associated Press / February 7, 2013

NOAA's satellites reveal storm systems over the eastern half of the United States on Thursday at 11:15 EST. Nemo, a blizzard of potentially historic proportions, will result from two storm systems merging: one currently over the Great Lakes and one over Georgia.



Nemo, a blizzard of potentially mammoth proportions, threatens to strike the Northeast with a vengeance Friday, with up to 2 feet of snow feared along the densely populated Interstate 95 corridor from the New York City area to Boston and beyond.

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From Pennsylvania to Maine, people rushed to stock up on food, shovels and other supplies, and road crews readied salt and sand, halfway through what had been a merciful winter.

Before the first snowflake had even fallen, Boston, Providence, R.I., Hartford, Conn., and other New England cities canceled school Friday, and airlines scratched more than 2,600 flights through Saturday, with the disruptions certain to ripple across the U.S.

Forecasters said this could one for the record books.

"This one doesn't come along every day. This is going to be a dangerous winter storm," said Alan Dunham, meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Taunton, Mass. "Wherever you need to get to, get there by Friday afternoon and don't plan on leaving."

The snow is expected to start Friday morning, with the heaviest amounts falling at night and into Saturday. Wind gusts could reach 65 mph. Widespread power failures were feared, along with flooding in coastal areas still recovering from Superstorm Sandy in October.

Boston could get more than 2 feet of snow, while New York City was expecting 10 to 14 inches. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said plows and 250,000 tons of salt were being put on standby. To the south, Philadelphia was looking at a possible 4 to 6 inches.

"We hope forecasts are exaggerating the amount of snow, but you never can tell," Bloomberg said, adding that at least the bad weather is arriving on a weekend, when the traffic is lighter and snowplows can clean up the streets more easily.

Amtrak said its Northeast trains will stop running Friday afternoon. The organizers of New York's Fashion Week ? a closely watched series of fashion shows held under a big tent ? said they will have extra crews to help with snow removal and will turn up the heat and add an extra layer to the venue.


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Car Hire Booking In Delhi

The benefits of hiring a car can be totally availed while renting a car from some high-end travel agency for some extended outdoor vacations. The range of travel packages available further improves the appeal of these rental car hire schemes in front of prospective customers. The rental cars also come handy while planning a group tour by pooling in the vacation fund of the entire group to hire a sophisticated ride for travelling purpose. Though by joining a group for an outdoor tour may end up in a few itinerary related conflicts hence its better to pre-plan the entire holiday route with all the required negotiations.

Another significant application of rental cars is for business-related travelling requirements. The business mergers and deals depend a lot upon the social credibility of the respective enterprises and this is where suave cab booking in Delhi can do the trick. Since the first impression is based upon superficial detail hence its better to boost it as much as we can with all the help we can get. Though it may not be as wise to prefer cabs over flights when we are running out of time but if one has got enough time and a big circle of colleagues or associates along with then its better to save those extra bucks by going for rental self-drives over the expensive and preoccupied airline ticketing system.

The few downsides of hiring a cab are all due to the careless or novice approach of the clients towards this service. The online cab booking always comes up with few
noteworthy points related to the car lease agreement between the vendor and the consumer. Ignoring these points may land up the clients in rough waters. For instance, the delay of even few hours in handing over the rented vehicle to the rental agency owners after the expiry of valid timeframe requires the customers to pay extra bugs as fine, based on thrent a careir 24 hour policy rental.

The fuel tank level before and after the tour also has to abide different guidelines depending upon differences in the policies of various travel enterprises out there. Some firms will require us to return the car with full tank, whereas some will allow us to leave the fuel tank at gauge level when it was first hired or left empty. Though sometimes there are chances that there are 5-10 liters of fuel still in left in the tank while the indicator is showing it empty.

About the Author:
The author has extensive experience in writing for the travel business and offers valuable tips on booking cab booking in Delhi and online cab booking.


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Hybrid-Powered Kia Cross GT Concept CUV Unveiled At Chicago ...

Yesterday Kia Motors America unveiled the Cross GT concept at the 2013 Chicago Auto Show.

According to Kia, the Cross GT seamlessly melds high technology with nature, creating a harmonious partnership between driver and vehicle that also respects our global environment.

While purely a concept, the Cross GT does reveal Kia?s intentions to potentially offer a larger premium CUV than the current Sorento.

?The debut of the GT in 2011 heralded a new frontier for Kia, both from a design and a business perspective,? noted Peter Schreyer, Kia Motors Corporation president and global chief of design.? ?It beautifully illustrated to the world that the brand was ready to explore the possibility of perhaps one day offering a full-size rear-drive luxury saloon.? The Cross GT, with its raised stance and large cargo area, allows us to envision the GT in the form of a full-size luxury crossover.?

The Cross GT is based on Kia?s rear-drive GT-chassis and has short overhangs, a long wheelbase and an aggressively wide posture. But the Cross GT offers even greater visibility thanks to its taller stature and features all-wheel drive for improved performance and all-weather capability.

The Cross GT is powered by what Kia calls an efficient hybrid powertrain that looks to reduce the vehicle?s carbon footprint. Starting with the company?s 3.8-liter V6 hybrid, 8-speed automatic and torque-vectoring all-wheel-drive, the concept adds an evolution of Kia?s parallel hybrid system, a pancake-shaped electric motor sandwiched between the V6 and the transmission.

The electric motor is packaged under the rear floor.? Combined, the V6 and electric motor produce 500 pound-foot of torque and 400 horsepower, with an all-electric range of 20-miles ? sufficient according to Kia to enable exhilarating performance, while delivering superior fuel economy and fuel efficiency.

While strictly a concept powertrain, Kia?s hybrid technology, combined with all-wheel drive are ideas that Kia said may one day find their way into a production vehicle.


At 122.0 inches, the Cross GT?s wheelbase is longer than Sorento?s by 15.7 inches, and its overall length of 192.8 inches is 8.4 inches greater than the Sorento. Still compared to the Sorento, the 79.1-inch width is 4.9 inches wider, but the Cross GT?s overall height of 65.3 inches is actually 1.6 inches shorter, giving the concept a lower roofline than most large CUVs.

The Cross GT has dual rear-hinged doors, more commonly referred to as ?suicide? doors.? The unique configuration allows for easy access to the rear bucket seats.

The cargo compartment is accessed through a ?clam shell? design that incorporates a traditional glass hatch and a tailgate.


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Nerve-Stimulating Device Might Ease Migraines ? WebMD

WebMD News from HealthDay

By Alan Mozes

HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 6 (HealthDay News) -- Migraine sufferers in search of a non-medicinal alternative for relief may be encouraged by new Belgian research that suggests that 20 minutes a day of nerve stimulation might cut back on the frequency of attacks.

The finding stems from a small study involving 67 migraine patients. All participants were outfitted with a wearable device called a "supraorbital transcutaneous stimulator," or STS, which was placed on the forehead and designed to deliver electrical stimulation to the patient's supraorbital nerve.

Use of the stimulator device was found to be "effective and safe as a preventive therapy for migraine," according to the study.

Study lead author Dr. Jean Schoenen, of the headache research unit in the department of neurology & GIGA-neurosciences at Liege University, and colleagues described the team's findings in the Feb. 6 online issue of Neurology.

Study participants were aged 18 to 65 and were being treated for migraines at one of five headache clinics in Belgium. All routinely experienced a minimum of two -- and an average of four -- migraine attacks per month. Although some had previously tried standard drug-based treatments, none had been taking any type of preventive chronic anti-migraine treatment in the three months leading up to the study launch.

Between 2009 and 2011, the patients were randomly divided into two groups. Both were given identical self-adhesive stimulation electrode pads to place on their forehead for 20 minutes daily over a three-month period. However, one group's electrode was a sham device that exerted an ineffectively weak electrical pulse, while the second group wore a working supraorbital transcutaneous stimulator.

Participants kept migraine diaries, which revealed that although migraine severity did not decrease much, by the third month of the study, those using the working devices saw the frequency of their attacks drop from about seven per month to fewer than five.

Sham device users experienced no such drop-off.

In addition, 38 percent of the working device users saw their attacks drop off by half or more, compared with 12 percent for those using fake stimulators.

Monthly use of anti-migraine drugs to cope with migraine attacks when they occurred dropped by nearly 37 percent among supraorbital transcutaneous stimulator users, with no drop among the sham group.

Schoenen and her associates said that the exact mechanism by which electrical stimulation seems to help migraine sufferers remains unclear, though they suggested it might have something to do with the neurological prompting of a "sedative effect."

Perhaps most important was the finding that none of the stimulator users experienced any side effects.

The researchers point to a previously conducted analysis of studies focusing on the impact of taking a 100-milligram dosage of topiramate -- a standard migraine drug. That analysis showed that the drug was considerably more effective than the nerve stimulator devices in its ability to reduce the frequency of monthly attacks.


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Ubuntu smartphones set for October launch in two markets

Ubuntu smartphones set for October launch in two markets

Sure, Ubuntu for smartphones is slated to appear as a downloadable image for the Galaxy Nexus late this month, but you'll have to wait until fall to get your hands on honest-to-goodness Ubuntu phone hardware. According to the Wall Street Journal, Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth says Ubuntu handsets will hit two "large geographic markets" in October, and that the open source OS has struck the fancy of carriers, to boot. However, Shuttleworth remained coy regarding which regions will see the devices launch in October and which manufacturers will be serving up hardware.

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Source: Wall Street Journal


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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Stern says Seattle group has filed for relocation

With one more procedural move, the Sacramento Kings took another step toward Seattle.

NBA Commissioner David Stern said Wednesday night that the Seattle group led by Chris Hansen and Steve Ballmer, which recently reached an agreement to purchase the Kings, has formally filed for relocation with the league.

Stern spoke in Minneapolis before the Timberwolves hosted San Antonio. He called the Seattle group "very strong," and said the appropriate committees have been convened to look over the proposed sale of the Kings and the prospective move.

Stern said the relocation proposal calls for the team to play in KeyArena for "two years, possibly three," while a new arena in Seattle is being built.

"We have had submitted a signed agreement to have the team sold to a very strong group from Seattle," Stern said. "We have received an application to have the team moved from Sacramento to Seattle."

The deadline for teams to file for relocation is March 1. It's been expected that the Hansen/Ballmer group would file to move the team, but Stern's comments were the first time that decision had been verified. The filing for relocation is just another step, but big in the efforts to bring professional basketball back to Seattle for the 2013-14 season.

Hansen's group reached an agreement with the Maloof family last month to buy 65 percent of the franchise, which is valued at $525 million, and move the team to Seattle and restore the SuperSonics name. The deal will cost the Hansen group a little more than $340 million.

The Kings' sale price of $525 million would surpass the NBA-record $450 million the Golden State Warriors sold for in 2010.

Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson has been trying to find investors with the financial means to match the sale price, keep the Kings in Sacramento and help on the construction of a new arena in California's capital city.

Johnson responded on Twitter on Wednesday night, saying again that Sacramento "is playing to win."

"We know that with an ownership partner both to Sacramento and an arena plan already supported by the city and NBA, Sacramento is ready to show what a great one-team market can be, should be, and is," Johnson said in his post.

A day earlier, Johnson said he planned to attend the NBA All-Star game in Houston and lobby anyone he could on the merits of keeping the Kings in Sacramento, but he has yet to reveal any of the large equity investors he's attempting to pull together. Johnson said he hoped to be able to announce them next week.

"My guess is it's likely that the mayor of Sacramento will appear before the board with an alternate plan," Stern said. "And that's why we have a board of governors, to make difficult decisions like this one."

Stern said he didn't feel the situation between Seattle and Sacramento would turn into a battle to see who can make the most lucrative bid.

"I don't think it's a bidding war," Stern continued. "There's a series of issues that are defined by our constitution that have to be considered. One of the things that our board is mandated to consider is the support for the team in the prior city. So there are real issues for the board to consider, about the buildings, about the likelihood they will be built, about the support from the cities."

Two committees would typically vet both the proposed sale and the move of the franchise to Seattle, but Stern said he has combined the committees into one. The committee will report to the Board of Governors, which is expected to vote on both the sale and the proposed move at its meeting in mid-April.

Stern said the relocation of the franchise requires a majority approval of the Board of Governors and the sale of the franchise would require a three-fourths majority.

"So I did the sensible thing, I combined the committees and said, 'You guys figure it out.' We'll see how that works," Stern said.


AP Basketball Writer Jon Krawczynski in Minneapolis contributed to this report.


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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Here Are 10 Standout Companies From The Fifth 500 Startups ...

Early stage VC fund 500 Startups today held the first of several demo day events for the fifth batch of startups graduating from its accelerator program. It was a fun event, with 32 high-energy founders pitching their companies to a room full of investors and tech press.

All of the companies were compelling in their own ways, covering a wide range of technologies, geographies, and sectors ? you can check out the full list right here. It was tough, but we narrowed down a list of some of our favorites.

In alphabetical order, here are the standouts we saw:

compstakCompStak: Founded by former NYC real estate broker Michael Mandel, CompStak has built a platform that compiles crowdsourced information about all things commercial real estate. In particular, the site tracks what?s known as ?comps,? which is industry-speak for comparable price rates on real estate leases for similarly sized and featured spaces. This information is valuable, but it?s also historically been nearly impossible to find ? people who have this kind of data tend to keep it close to the chest, even while seeking it out from others. CompStak has created a platform where people can trade info they have with info they need, giving incentives to all sides. We?ve written about CompStak before, which you can check out here.

cubieCubie: Like a super lightweight and more fully-featured Draw Something, Cubie is a mobile messaging app for both Android and iOS that lets people create and share drawings, photos, video, and voice messages inside a social chat client. It has become hugely popular, according to the founders, rising to the #1 social app spot in 16 countries, and amassing 5 million total downloads. The company has already attracted some hefty investor attention, with $1.1 million raised from a group of international investors.


dealflicksDealflicks: This company has a simple mission: To get more butts into movie seats. Up to 88 percent of movie theater seats end up empty, Dealflicks says, so it sells movie tickets and concessions for up to 60 percent off to make sure spots that would otherwise be vacant are filled with moviegoers. So far, $5 million in sales has gone through Dealflicks? platform since its started operating in the San Francisco Bay Area, and the company says it projects that could increase to $500 million once it goes national. Dealflicks says its app boosts online and mobile movie ticket sales by 40 percent. Filling last-minute vacancies by offering discounts is a strategy that has worked well for other apps such as Priceline and Hotel Tonight, so this could really be one to watch.

gazemetrixGazeMetrix ? What if you were a brand marketer and you could take all user generated photos and recognize when your logo or product showed up on Facebook, Intstagram, or Twitter? That?s the kind of tool that Gaze Metrics provides, scanning photos posted to social networks and alerting brands when those photos start to go viral. The company is already working with more than 30 brands, and is sure to sign up plenty more as they learn about the technology.

idreambooksiDreamBooks ? When you want to find out what movie to watch, there?s Rotten Tomatoes to give you an idea of how good they are. For video games, there?s MetaCritic. But there?s no good universal guide for book ratings. Even Amazon?s ratings system is starting to lose their lustre, as they?re easily gamed by fake posts. Enter iDreamBooks, which seeks to be the Rotten Tomatoes of books. The startup was already chosen by the New York and San Francisco Public Library systems to provide aggregated professional ratings of books on their websites, and is looking for more distribution.

kickfolioKickfolio: Typically, an app that?s in the pre-launch stage must be uploaded directly to a mobile device for trial purposes ? this makes the process of testing a mobile app cumbersome, time-consuming, and often expensive for the app developer. Kickfolio has built a platform for developers to upload builds of their iOS mobile apps straight to the web where they can be more easily accessed for testing. Kickfolio?s platform uses HTML5, so it makes apps accessible to anyone with a web browser. Kickfolio echoes in some ways Pieceable, the startup recently acquired by Facebook ? just one sign that it?s in a very exciting space. TechCrunch has covered Kickfolio?s launch back in December, and you can read that right here.

privy Privy: This startup aims to ?take the mystery out of local marketing,? by making local advertising more efficient for small and medium sized businesses. Local merchants simply tell it how much they?re willing to spend and what they?re specials are, and Privy seamlessly does social and search advertising for the businesses. Customers bring in coupons on their phones to complete the loop, and the system tracks conversion rate and efficiency of the campaign, providing detailed analytics to the business. The company makes $3,000 per year on average per business, but typically helps them recoup those costs within three months.

supplyhogSupplyHog: SupplyHog aims to reduce the amount of time that local contractors spending running around trying to source supplies for projects that they?re working on. Not only does the startup ensure that it can provide the supplies that are needed, without having to run around to various different home improvement stores, but it can guarantee lower prices than those outlets. It does that by working with thousands of different local manufacturers and distributors around the country to find the lowest price while also ensuring that the materials needed are in stock. With a limited beta trial, the company has also had $130,000 in revenues, but more importantly ? 100 percent of all the contractors who have used the site have come back to use it again, so far.

walletWalletKit: With the rise of mobile payment systems like Apple?s Passbook, there?s a growing need to help businesses take advantage of these platforms. The problem is that it takes a team of designers and engineers to implement Passbook and other mobile wallet technologies. WalletKit takes the pain out of this process with a platform for quickly integrating with Passbook and other mobile wallet systems. We?ve written about WalletKit before, and you can check that out right here.

waygoWayGo: We?ve written about WayGo before ? it provides an instant translations for Asian-language text into English on mobile phones. How cool is that? So cool, it makes our top 10 list. That?s how cool. It makes money by charging just $14.99 for unlimited usage. Which, frankly, is a steal for overseas travelers.

500 Startups is an early-stage seed fund and incubator program located in Mountain View, CA. They invest primarily in consumer & SMB internet startups, and related web infrastructure services. Their initial investment size is typically $25K-$250K. Selected areas of interest include financial services & e-commerce, search/social/mobile platforms, personal & business productivity, education & language, family & healthcare and web infrastructure.

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Hungry black hole spawns bizarre four-armed galaxy

Where most spiral galaxies have two twisting arms, a neighbor of the Milky Way is a four-armed monster. A new photo snapped by the Hubble Space Telescope, combined with observations by amateur astronomers, reveals these arms in stunning detail.

The galaxy Messier 106 lies about 20 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major (the Great Bear).?Hubble scientists released a?video of the four-armed galaxy?in addition to the new photo.

Beneath its pretty pink appearance, Messier 106 is harboring a monster black hole that is hungrily gobbling up matter at the galaxy's center.

This?black hole, scientists say, may be the key to the galaxy's mysterious extra arms.?

Spiral arms are bands of material that swirl out from the center of?spiral galaxies. Most spiral galaxies have two, but Messier 106 has four. In addition to its prominent pair of main arms made of stars, this galaxy has two thinner wisps of reddish gas spiraling from its center.

These extra arms are thought to be a result of the galaxy's central black hole, which produces two jets of material ejecting from the cloud of matter falling into it. These jets, in turn, disrupt and heat up the gas in the galaxy, causing the denser gas in the galactic plane to shine brightly. At the center of the galaxy, where gas is tightly bound, the arms appear to be straight, but on the outskirts, where the gas is held more loosely, it is blown above or below the main plane of the galaxy's disk, and curves outward.

These arms appear bright pink in the new photo, which combines images captured by Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys, Wide Field Camera 3, and Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, with ground-based observations taken by amateur astronomers Robert Gendlerand Jay GaBany. Gendler assembled his and GaBany's photos with archived?Hubble Space Telescope?data to create the new portrait.

Follow Clara Moskowitz on Twitter?@ClaraMoskowitz?or We're also on?Facebook?&?Google+.?

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Open Source Death Star Hits Kickstarter After Government Foolishly Refuses To Build One

Star Wars Death StarThe Death Star is undoubtedly a worthwhile undertaking. Sure, in the Star Wars films it's generally depicted as an offensive weapon but it could have terrific value as a defensive platform, too. The government recently responded to requests from the general public that it look into constructing the massive, moon-sized space station, shutting down the idea because of a short-sighted "we don't blow up planets" political stance and an unwillingness to dip into the treasury. Now, a new Kickstarter project wants to pick up those plans with an open source effort and crowdfunding to help make it happen.


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ZACCI hails Emirates over aircraft : Metro Business Standard

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THE Zambia Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) has commended Emirates Airlines for upgrading the aircraft coming to Zambia. Recently, Emirates and British Airways have had challenges which led to their scheduled flights experiencing faults mid-air resulting in emergency landings or aborting of flights.

ZACCI vice president for south Chabuka Kawesha says the landing of the biggest carrier Boeing 777 in Lusaka by Emirates is a positive move towards raising the standards of planes coming to Zambia.

?We are expressing our happiness over the landing of this plane. It?s our hope and belief that the initiative from Emirates responds to concerns from the public over the comfort, quality, age and standard of planes sent to Zambia,? he said.

Dr Chabuka said this in a statement released in Lusaka yesterday. He, however, said ZACCI is still waiting for the position from the civil aviation authorities regarding the near mishaps to the travelling public and business community many who are travellers on both Emirates and British Airways.

He said reasons expressed by both airlines through their local offices have been very unsatisfactory and disappointing to both the business community and the general public which prompted ZACCI to question the silence from the airlines, national airports and civil aviation department.

Recently, ZACCI expressed concern on the near-fatalities of airline carriers being used by renowned international airlines between Lusaka and London and between Lusaka and Dubai.

It urged the Department of Civil Aviation to break its silence and issue a comprehensive statement on the quality of airplanes that British Airways (BA) and Emirates are sending to Zambia. (Source: Daily Mail)

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Turkey says it knew terrorist attack was planned

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) ? Turkish authorities suspected the outlawed leftist group that bombed the U.S. Embassy in Ankara was planning an attack, but did not have enough information to prevent it from happening, Turkey's president said Monday.

The suicide bomber struck the U.S. Embassy on Friday, killing himself and a Turkish security guard and seriously wounding a former Turkish television journalist.

Turkish authorities said the bomber, Ecevit Sanli, was linked to the outlawed Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front, or DHKP-C, and the leftist group said it launched the attack to oppose U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

President Abdullah Gul said Turkish police and intelligence officials were on high alert about the DHKP-C, knowing it was planning an attack of some sort but didn't know where or when.

"Our security and intelligence organizations knew the terror organization was seeking to carry out an attack; they were on alert and had warned everyone," Gul said at a news conference. "But unfortunately it could not be prevented, and they carried out this attack against the U.S. Embassy."

The U.S. Embassy resumed business on Monday, and a minute of silence was held for the 46-year-old Turkish guard who died in the attack.

Turkey's state-run Anadolu news Agency said police have questioned 12 people in connection with the attack, including one who reportedly asked directions to Paris Street, where the side entrance to the embassy ? the site of the attack ? is located.

Quoting unidentified sources, Anadolu said Sanli posed as a courier, asked to be let in by showing an envelope, then detonated his explosives as soon as the gate to a security check point was opened.

Officials have said the bomber spent several years in prison on terrorism charges before being released on probation in 2001 after being diagnosed with a hunger-strike related disorder. They said he fled Turkey after his release.

During a visit to the Czech Republic on Monday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sanli had been living in Germany and entered Turkey illegally to carry out the attack. Erdogan said it shows how important it is for Europe's allies to work together in the battle against terrorism, and he complained that several European countries, including Germany and France, were not responding to Turkish requests for the extradition of militants wanted by Turkey.

"We are not getting the support we need," Erdogan said. "Even those who have carried out the bloodiest of attacks are walking freely. Even though we present them with evidence, they are not being caught."

"We can no longer tolerate this lack of interest," Erdogan said.

For example, he accused France and Germany of ignoring Turkey's requests to extradite Sakine Cansiz, who had helped found the Kurdistan Workers Party, a rebel group seeking autonomy for Turkey's Kurds. She was one of three Kurdish activists who were gunned down in Paris last month.

DHKP-C has claimed responsibility for assassinations and bombings since the 1970s, but it has been relatively quiet in recent years. Compared to al-Qaida, it has not been seen as a strong terrorist threat.

In a statement posted on a website linked to the group, the DHKP-C said the United States was "responsible for every drop of blood shed all over the world" from "Iraq to Afghanistan, from Libya to Syria."

It accused Erdogan's government ? which has become the Syrian regime's strongest critic ? of being a "lackey of the imperialists" by trying to topple the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Friday's attack on the U.S. Embassy occurred as NATO deployed six Patriot anti-missile systems to protect its ally Turkey from a possible spillover from Syria's civil war. The U.S., Netherlands and Germany are each providing two Patriot batteries.

The suicide attack was the second deadly assault on a U.S. diplomatic post in five months.

On Sept. 11, 2012, terrorists attacked a U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, killing U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. The attackers in Libya were suspected to have ties to Islamist extremists, and one is in custody in Egypt.

U.S. diplomatic facilities in Turkey have been targeted previously by terrorists. In 2008, an attack blamed on al-Qaida-affiliated militants outside the U.S. Consulate.


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