Monday, February 18, 2013

US / 5 myths about manufacturing jobs

In his State of the Union address Tuesday, President Obama said that creating manufacturing jobs is the nation?s ?first priority.? To some, this may sound like a throwback to a long-lost era; after all, such jobs are being eliminated, outsourced or automated, right? Not really.

The United States remains a world leader in manufacturing, and that sector remains essential to our economic and technological future. Here are the five biggest misconceptions about U.S. manufacturing ? and why the sector still matters.

1. A manufacturing job is no longer a ticket to the middle class.

2. We can outsource manufacturing as long as product design stays here.

3. U.S. manufacturing can?t compete with China.

4. Manufacturing jobs are repetitive and low-skilled.

5. Government is terrible at supporting manufacturing.

Are those myths true ??Why you should care: Manufacturing is essential to our economic and technological future.

Chosen excerpts by Job Market Monitor from


?via Five myths about manufacturing jobs |

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