Monday, May 13, 2013

Police: 12 hurt at New Orleans parade shooting

NEW ORLEANS (AP) ? Gunmen opened fire as dozens of people marched in a Mother's Day second-line parade in New Orleans on Sunday, wounding at least 12 people, police said.

Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas told reporters that a 10-year-old girl grazed by a bullet was among those wounded in the shooting around 2 p.m. She was in good condition. He said three or four people were in surgery but their conditions weren't known. No deaths were reported.

Serpas said that the procession had been accompanied by officers, who saw two or three suspects run from the scene in the city's 7th Ward.

The Times-Picayune reports there were about 200 people at the event when gunfire erupted.

Nobody has been arrested. It's unclear what sparked the gunfire.

Second-line parades are loose processions in which people dance down the street, often following behind a brass band. They can be impromptu or planned and are sometimes described as moving block parties.

A social club called The Original Big 7 organized Sunday's event.


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